Edenton’s short-term rental policy has been in the works since 2017, nearing completion.

Edenton’s short-term rental policy has been in the works since 2017, nearing completion.

To add more clarity to the current policy in draft from our earlier article, after a brief discussion with Anne-Marie Knighton, Town Manager, and our previous article – Edenton, North Carolina – an open and friendly town built on travelers and tourists leaning towards more restrictive policies against short-term rentals. Edenton’s short-term rental policy has been in the making since 2017, including assistance from UNC Shcool of Government to assist in drafting policy for a small town like ours. Please take time to read the updates concerning how they would apply to specific rental properties (listed below).

The remaining elements of this policy being finalized centers around Whole-House rentals, where the owner is not on location, where additional requirements are asked for such as a local responsible contact who can ensure that the policies and house rules are followed. The end result of the policy will be a body of work shaped by citizens if you have contributed your input and professionals concerning town planning and policy. Many of Edenton’s newest residents stayed in an Airbnb in Edenton, fell in love, purchased a home, and moved here.

My family fell in love back in 2014 and in 2018, decided to move from the west coast to Edenton, this past January our Daughter and her family of 6 moved from Florida to Edenton.

Whole House Short Term Rentals are hereby recognized as an appropriate land use given the residential/resort character of Edenton’s planning jurisdiction, provided that specific controls are in place for regulating these properties. Whole House Short-Term Rentals are a permitted use within the following zoning districts: the Downtown Commercial District, and the Neighborhood Commercial District (CD, CN). Whole House Short Term Rentals may be permissible in the Town’s Residential Zoning Districts (R-5, R-10, R-14, R-20, R-40, RA, CD, CN)., according to the minimum requirements as provided in this Ordinance, and those that may be required through the provisions of Article IV and those that may be required through the Special Use Permit review process.


There will always be for and against arguments in new policy and the town planning boards work to ensure they have input that shapes the final policy. The key aspect is ensuring the town gets consistent as well as persistent input on what is desired by citizens to avoid entrenchment of positions at each draft of the policy. There will be a middle-ground everyone will have to accept in this policy-making process and the town is close to completing this arduous process given its new benefits as well as possible abuses, especially around whole-house rentals outside of the downtown commercial / residential district.

In talking with Anne-Marie this morning she provided clarity concerning where the process is and the work having been put into the policy, which started in a proactive manner to get ahead of potential issues or complaints. Additionally, she highlighted that the policy also includes a three-strikes program for rentals that violate the rules and policy around noise, parking, and other areas which can have an impact.

The key areas to be aware of are;

Accessory Dwelling Short-Term Rental means the rental or lease of an attached or detached accessory residential dwelling unit for compensation to guests for a duration not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days while the permanent resident of the primary dwelling unit resides on-site during the duration of the rental period.

Homestay means the rental of a room(s) within a private residence for compensation not to exceed thirty (30) days while the permanent occupant resides on-site during the duration of the rental period.

Whole-House Short-Term Rental means the rental or lease of an attached or detached residential dwelling unit for compensation to guests for a duration not to exceed eighty-nine (89) consecutive days.

The last item is where the draft policy is finalizing that would need those owners to weigh in on the draft being finalized.


  • Kim Ringeisen

    Kim, is a commercial photographer and citizen journalist who lives in Edenton, recognized as a NC 2020 Mainstreet Champion. A high-tech executive, Military veteran, and having over 20+ years of emergency services experience in North Carolina and California, he currently serves his community as a Firefighter.

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