Edenton Steamers to Host First UNCW Athletic Training Intern

The Steamers’ dugout will have an extra pair of hands to stretch shoulders and treat injuries this summer. For the first time, University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) will send a graduate student intern to spend the summer applying skills learned in the classroom to the baseball field. Emily Sullivan, who grew up in Stafford, Virginia, will move to Edenton in late May to live with a host family and work alongside Edentonian Courtney Phelps.
Phelps is the Athletic Trainer for the Steamers and John A Holmes High School. She has been recognized with a “Preceptor of the Year” Award for her exceptional supervision of university students. Phelps is passionate about teaching and training students to become future athletic trainers while exposing them to the skills they will need and apply when they graduate. Currently, UNCW is the only university East of Greensboro with such an athletic training program designed to meet the demand for athletic trainers in the Eastern region of the state.

Phelps underscored the meaningful impact this internship can have on both the student and Edenton
community. “Coming to Edenton for these interns is a huge step for our small rural communities. Small
communities have so much to offer that is often overlooked because people go for the big and flashy
schools. Being where I grew up [Edenton] is great. Everyone knows you and helps you be successful. I
want these students to know that being in a small town has lots of advantages.”
Sullivan will be staying with a host family over the summer while interning with the Steamers and John A
Holmes football team under Phelp’s supervision. In addition, Sullivan will work a part-time job in
Edenton. She played soccer at North Carolina Wesleyan University and became interested in athletic
training while still in high school. She is fulfilling her dream of working with professional athletes. “I’ve
mainly worked with high school athletes during my graduate program so I’m excited to see a different
environment with competitive athletes on the Steamers.”
Sullivan’s faculty advisor at UNCW, Dr. Lindsey Schroeder, has been actively seeking ways to expose her
graduate students to new experiences. “I am happy for the Edenton Steamers to become a clinical site
for our student interns so they can work with high caliber athletes and build their confidence. On a
personal note, I’m excited to bring my family up from Wilmington to a Steamers game for a site visit!”
Both Phelps and Schroeder are excited that this is just the first of many UNCW interns at Edenton. The
college and Steamers have entered an agreement to offer future summer internships to graduate
students. Schroeder reflected “interning with the Steamers will allow Emily to interact with
individuals in the Edenton community and appreciate the history and culture in Chowan County.”
Edenton Steamers play their first home game on Friday, June 2 nd against Tarboro. Gates open at 6pm. Go to https://edentonsteamers.com/schedule/ for the full 2023 season schedule.
Host families are still needed to house players for the summer. If interested in learning more contact
General Manager, Tyler Russell at 252-482-4080 or email edentongm@hotmail.com.