
Tyrrell county schools and the challenges fear-mongering and disinformation generate.

Political disinformation is not new, neither are politicians who use it knowingly or unknowingly. 

On February 26, 2021, a social media post was made by Senator Bob Steinburg to his personal Facebook page where he stated that a grandparent of a middle-school student called him, the grandparent’s grandson “was asked to play the part of a transgender” in a virtual class play. Additionally, Senator Bob Steinburg wrote that “If this nonsense has already seeped into rural classrooms then what’s next.” and asked for more engagement in school boards and that “schools- get back to what we are paying you to do- teaching our students academics!” Senator Bob Steinburgs official government Facebook page does not have this issue posted nor any follow-up to the issues raised.

Based on the Tyrrell county school’s investigation into this matter, we have since learned that what was stated by Senator Bob Steinburg, was not corroborated by the school’s findings.

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White Oak Elementary Vehicle Day – Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Attention All Business Owners… You Are Invited!!

If your business uses a unique vehicle to perform your job, or your career is in the arts & sciences we need you!! Sign up at the following link; Vehicle Day Business Sign Up

In partnership with the Edenton Chowan Chamber of Commerce.

Help us begin to educate our Pre-K through 2nd-grade students about their future career paths by displaying your vehicles and/or the tools of your career. The objective of this event is to capitalize on young children’s interest in vehicles and various career options in order to create an awareness of the world of work and
various kinds of jobs.

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